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Kryvyi Rig campus of the National Aviation University of Ukraine,
RASOLONDRAIBE Martin Rich (guest)
13 years ago:
Hi, I am From "I80-R3" group.I was there in Krivoy Rog Aviation School from September 1980 to April 1983.I work on Aircraft from 1984 to 2002. After that I decide to major in computer science. After that I get responsability to manage new technology as in aviation field as on ground field.I am longing for the Krivoi Rog Avia Ouchiliche. I think about what have become this nice place of education? Thanks for all. Richard E-mail:
vulytsia Dzhona Makkeina, 10,
Alex Nosach (guest)
13 years ago:
its my home :^ lol
vulytsia Pavla Hlazovoho, 41A,
InRoot (guest)
13 years ago:
ВолиТВ там нет(и не было) - это еврейская благотворительная организация.
владислав (guest)
13 years ago:
летом мне чудом удалось на троллейбусе проехать через кпп на роф 2 и не попаться охране
владислав (guest)
13 years ago:
интересно как на эту територия заежают троллейбусы
Yevropeiskyi bulvar, 1,
Orion (guest)
13 years ago:
Church of Praise,
Arty (guest)
13 years ago:
Evangelical christian church. Was born in 1993. Here is drugary reb center, biblical colledge and missionaries colledge. Servises: thursday 18:30, sunday: 11:00
Young Sailors Club,
кук (guest)
15 years ago:
Тут я с пацанами учился проходили азбуку морзе ранги т.п.А интересно ту общагу в виде корабля построили.Там еще возле входа стоял Якорь и цепь по плацу.Это было в 1993-94м годах.
Kryvyi Rih National University, (guest)
15 years ago:
I'm stydied 2007-2013!
metalurgical work shop,
кук (guest)
15 years ago:
управление ВАТ-ЦГЗК в общем Белый дом,или управа...
Rekordna vulytsia, 1А,
Alexey N. (guest)
15 years ago:
My favourite gymnasium =)
School of Comp Masterliness,
15 years ago:
Школа компьютерного мастерства
Городская больница № 14,
Seniko (guest)
15 years ago:
Здесь я наблюдалась, когда была беременна. Еженедельные посещения этой больнички на протяжении "самых важных месяцев" оставили только приятные эмоции. В отличии от 7-й Даманской гор.больницы, здесь никогда не было очередей и шума.
Kryvyi Rig campus of the National Aviation University of Ukraine,
Sebastian Fernandez, Cuba (guest)
15 years ago:
Hi there, I am from 1975 class, I'm very proud that I studied in there, that all knowledge that I learned in Krivoy Rog have been so useful to me \, during my time in Cuba and in USA. Thanks for all. Sebastian
Kryvyi Rig campus of the National Aviation University of Ukraine,
Anibal A AguilarFernandez (guest)
15 years ago:
Ya uchilsa y saconchil Krivoroshcoe Aviatechnichescoe Uchilische 1982. Nachalnik Shulga, Sam. Nach. Caralcov. Prepodabateliy Gatilov, Shevchenco, Gatilov, Gatilova, Proshogina, Bagun, Baev, Yudnikov, Baeva,Caralcov, Olga Yacovlevna, Lariza, Olga Andronicovna, Olga Pablovna, Laritza, Nina Vasilievna, Eduard Isaacovich. Peredaite im cem bolshoiy priviet. Ya shibu in Miami Florida, USA. Please answer my message somebody of staff. I need keep with you contac by this ways. Thanks Anibal is Cuba. (Priborist) 1982.
Women's Monastery (nunnery),
michael dillon (guest)
16 years ago:
The outline is wrong. It should be larger to include the circular fountain and small bell tower to the south, as well as additional buildings surrounding the church.
Krivoy Rog Main passenger train station,
michael dillon (guest)
16 years ago:
The outline is wrong. It only covers part of the main station building but it really should include the parking lot and secondary buildings.
Poshtovyi prospekt, 48,
michael dillon (guest)
16 years ago:
Sorry, I got my directions confused. This area is a row of shops, and some of them do sell food. There is also a pharmacy, a few banks and a bankomat. But it is still not a supermarket, just a row of shops on the street and a wide sidewalk with a couple of kiosks and some people selling mobile phonecalls or changing money.
Poshtovyi prospekt, 48,
michael dillon (guest)
16 years ago:
I disagree. There are a few shops there, but none of them sell food. There was a small luxury food shop nearby named Supermarket but it closed two years ago.
Accord Hotel Deluxe,
16 years ago:
It`s really greate place not only to live or rest but also to carry out trainings and seminars in a perfect conference hall.
Kryvyi Rih recent comments: